

smart contract audits

CyStack is a leading company in the field of cybersecurity and information security in Vietnam. We build security products and solutions for organizations to combat security risks in the digital age. CyStack has been a reputable partner providing security application and security managed services for many large and small businesses in Vietnam and around the world. CyStack's mission is to raise cybersecurity awareness of individuals and organizations by creating cybersecurity products that are good enough, easy to use and suitable for a wide range of individuals and businesses. We provide affordable yet intensive security audits of smart contracts. Our team of experienced smart contract auditors can perform audits for tokens, crowdsales, NFTs, marketplaces, blockchain games, financial protocols, and more! We leverage a combination of static analysis, automated tools, and a robust manual review process to provide industry-leading security recommendations to your project teams.

Smart contract audit process

Discuss the scope and content of work for the Smart Contract Audit project to ensure correct identification of the right audience, purpose and accurate assessment.

Test the components in the smart contract, using the vulnerability scanning and analysis tool to detect common vulnerabilities.

Manually review the source code line by line to make sure the logic behind each function is logical and secure from attack vectors into the application.

Simulate interactions with your Smart Contract on the test blockchain using a combination of automated testing tools and manual testing to determine if any vulnerabilities exist security or not.

Consult with customers to solve outstanding problems; then aggregate the results and findings into a report to address any risks that exist to the project or its users.

Audit reports


"“CyStack worked very hard on the project, and they found a lot of bugs since day one.”"

Dung Truong Quang, Customer Support Manager, FireApps

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